Preparing Box APP

To connect Box to your INDICA appliance, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the developer console of your Box
  2. Click <Create a New App> and select "Custom App", then OAuth2 with JWT as Authentication and give it a distinct name, could be "INDICA Indexer".
  3. After the last step, you will be redirected to the app configuration page
  4. Set "Application Acess" to Enterprise and add following scopes: Read and write all files and folders stored in Box, Read all files and folders stored in Box, Manage Users, Manage Groups
    INDICA needs and uses these permissions for the following reasons:
    - Read and write all files and folders stored in Box: creating file listings and downloading files.
       Also, in box it's needed to have write permissions in order to do actions 'as a user'.
    - Read and all files and folders stored in Box: creating file listings and downloading files;
    - Manage users: Fetching users to index who can access what files and directories;
    - Manage groups: Fetching groups and their users to index who can access what files and folders.

    Please note: the INDICA Box connector contains no code that can create, update, or modify any source data.

  5. On the same page in "Advanced Features" toggle "Perform Actions as User" ON.
  6. In Add and Manage Public Keys section press <Generate a Public/Private Keypair> (you might be redirected for 2-Factor Authentication before you can do this step)
  7. A config file will be downloaded to keep it secure, you will need to add it to your INDICA appliance.
  8. Save the changes
  9. Head to "General" and submit the App for Authorization
  10. Go to your Admin Console and then in the "Apps" tab 

A. If you have other apps it will be: Enable Authorization if not enabled and Reauthorize the app

B. If it's your first custom App, you will have to add New App

Once you click it you have to enter the API key you received to your E-mail

Connecting Box App to INDICA

  1. Go to your INDICA appliance, select your case and head to manage/sources/box
  2. Click <Add Box Connection>
  3. Name your appliance, select or create a collection for it and upload the config file you received from the Box and set API limit if needed, otherwise, leave empty.
  4. Check your data and save